
Making of Mobster

The design of the character was inspired in a story I had in mind, He is a corrupted police officer that has become a mobster from some dark city in east Eur...

Making of Dante Alighier

In this tutorial I will explain how I created the image Dante Alighieri, starting from the modeling which was done in Softimage|XSI, unwrapping with Modo, de...

How to access Menus & Tools

Knowing how to work with menus in SOFTIMAGE|XSI is very important and vital to success. You will learn a few new tricks that will speed up your interaction w...

Customising how to interact with XSI

SOFTIMAGE|XSI has the option to change the keyboard layout to a more familiar keyboard map for those users coming from 3dsMax or Maya. We will look at how to...

How to animate Cloth

While I was working on an animation project, I was struggling a little bit on how to get a localized effect on getting cloth simulation to work on a characte...

How to Duplicate object & Creating Presets

Learn how to duplicate objects in SOFTIMAGE|XSI, while acknowledging the difference between duplicating and cloning. We will also discuss duplication options...

Override Properties and Painting Weights

Override properties can be used in many ways in SOFTIMAGE|XSI and can be quite useful for many situations. Using weight maps in SOFTIMAGE|XSI is a great feat...

How to use Clusters and Hierarchies

Learn how to quickly create clusters in SOFTIMAGE|XSI, as well as some techniques for viewing and working with them. Also, being able to create hierarchies i...

XSI Video tutorials

This series of tutorials will give the basic knowledge needed to manipulate a mesh.

Tips for Selection Modes an Tools

This movie looks at some of the selection modes and tools available in XSI.

Creating the Hall

You want to try architectural modeling and rendering in Lightwave? Well this tutorial might get you started then. It takes you through everything step by ste...

Fantasy Letter

This tutorial focuses on heavy texturing now, turning a simple flat plane with a bunch of polygons into an old piece of paper with handwriting on it. 50% of ...

A Self Made Man

This tutorial will walk you through the process of creating a cartoon face with techniques that can be applied for creating the ears of the character.

Modelling an Ear

In this tutorial you will learn a technique for modeling details that can be applied for many things. Specifically a human ear.

Creating Plants and Flowers

In this tutorial, I hope to demonstrate how easy it is to create detailed flowers and plants that will add a great deal to an image (assuming the image calls...
