Textures / Materials

Realistic Eye Texturing

This tutorial will teach you how to model a realistic eye that will bring your characters to life.

Realistic Foot Creation

This tutorial outlines the process of creating a high resolution foot, from a basic box modeling starting mesh.

Shading and Rendering of the Mini

This article focuses on shading and texturing the Mini Cooper, I'll talk a little about rendering with Mental Ray but I think other people have covered that ...

Character Workflow

This is a walkthrough of the creation, with detailed pictures of the whole progress.

Controlling Displacement Maps

This tutorial will cover the basics of nodes in Maya, the Hypershade and finally how to use the Multiply-Divide node to control the intensity of a displaceme...

Rendering Diamond Caustics

This tutorial will cover the shader creation and rendering of a diamond which emits correct caustics.

Making of Zhou Zhaung

This making-of walks us through the creation of the Zhou Zhaung image created by Xu Fei. It contains information about texture creation and lighting.

Making of Skullhead Mobster

Hashdeep Borah walks us through the creation of the Skullhead Mobster.

Making of Beanpod Blooming

Wang Xiaoyu walks us through the creation of this piece going over tips for creating eyes and shaders

Maya Adding Fur to a Tennis ball

This tutorial will go through the process of creating fur for a tennis ball model.

Maya Diamon Caustics

Rendering a diamond as photo-realistically as possible is a 3D challenge. Light doesn't just bounce off an object; it enters it, bends, changes color, bounce...

Maya Human Anatomy UV Coordinates Setup

This tutorial will teach you how to generate the UV layout for a human model. A correct, well laid out UV map is important because once it's made, and the te...

Maya DGS Shaders

When MentalRay users talk about 'physical correctness', in most of the cases the usage of DGS (diffuse, glossy, secular) shaders is discussed. Some people sa...


This tutorial is intended to present a method of creating a next gen vehicle asset. The difficulty level is medium, so to better understand and use this tuto...

Maya Liquid Generation

Fluid dynamics is a branch of physics that uses mathematical equations to describe how things flow. In Fluid Effects, dynamicfluid effects simulate fluid mot...

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